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Writing With Marker On Glass

Corporate Wellness

Sustainable Caring is proud to offer a variety of wellness based offerings for your organization.  As we know, stress profoundly impacts the mental, emotional and physical health of any company’s most valuable resource–people.  Mindfulness based interventions have been proven to decrease stress, improve health, improve focus, and improve performance, while also decreasing the need for sick days and overall employee turnover. 


Whether your company needs an occasional “mindful lunch”, online yoga, a retreat, a digital and scalable wellness intervention, or wellness coaches, Sustainable Caring can help.  Our team of highly skilled mental health and mindfulness professionals are here to curate a program specifically designed to suit the wants and needs of your workplace. 

Team Leader, Cayce Howe


Cayce Howe is a senior mindfulness and meditation teacher in Southern California and co-founder at Sustainable Caring. 


Cayce has been studying and practicing meditation since the late 80's and lived at meditation centers for 6 years. ​He has been teaching for over a decade at mental health facilities, corporate environments, Universities, residential retreat centers and hospitals in the US and globally. 

After his retreat life he became the marketing directory of a 80+ location restaurant chain and then owner of his own marketing company. In those endeavors he learned how to integrate his long standing meditation training in the workplace.


Cayce is also an author and co-host of the "More Happiness Less Suffering Podcast. 

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